go down基本解释
go down的用法和例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- It seems that more helicopters go down than you might think .
- 也就是说,有比你设想中更多的直升机坠落下去。
- The bankruptcy of lehman brothers in september 2008 will probably go down as the single most spectacular event in the humbling of wall street .
- 2008年九月“雷曼兄弟”的破产作为华尔街的耻辱中最令人注目的事件也许会渐渐沉息下去。
- For this reason prices can supposedly never go down .
- 出于这个原因,可以推测价格不会下降。
- Then levels in the bloodstream start to go down .
- 然后,体内循环中的血液糖分水平开始下降。
- The pills do not always go down easily .
- 治病之药并不总是容易被吃下。
- Go down there and fight .
- 去那里同他们战斗。
- An overdamped system is assumed when the bubble burst meaning the land 's value did not go down to below 1 dollar .
- 当泡沫破裂的时候就有可能产生一个过阻尼系统,意思就是土地的价值不会跌到小于1元钱。
- The oil price can go down as well as up-and has been doing just that lately-while the fracking revolution is changing the gas business dramatically .
- 石油的价格有涨有落乃是平常事(而且没人最近一直下跌),(石油开采的)水力压裂法革命正在深刻地改变汽油工业。
- Once you go down that road you 're on your own no longer a productive member of a society built on rational thought .
- 一旦你沿着真理的道路走下去,你将会是独自一人,而不再是对这个构建在理性思维之上的社会有用的成员。
- It 's scary to go down that path which is why so few do .
- 因为将这条路走到底是令人生畏的,所以很少有人这么做。